Nera Displays

About us

We design, technologically develop and manufacture the products ourselves. Since 2013, our company has been located in the southern part of Brno near the large D1/D2 highway interchange. In a brand new own building with modern equipment, there are offices as well as development and technical departments.

Our premises also include our own renovated production hall, where most of our products are manufactured. NERA DISPLAYS has more than one hundred employees and other agency workers at the beginning of 2023.

Look at the places where we deliver

Milestones of company history

The first product of NERA BRNO was born.

1st October 1988

One year later, manufacturing premises were rented on Jeneweinova Street.


The first own manufacturing premise on Provazníkova Street was built.


In 2011, we built a larger and more modern headquarters on Kaštanová Street, which has been our home to this day.